向日葵文化良品 Sole Cultural Goods

香港文化博物館 - 葵花書屋

香港文化博物館座落於風光如畫的沙田城門河畔,2006年始,向日葵文化良品的綜合書店就進駐地面層,主要銷售文化藝術類、以香港為本位的相關書籍、影音、藝術精品及展覽專題紀念品。2013年7月,葵花書屋全新面貌亮相,以橡白色和太陽花黄色為主調,明朗的光線配合瘦了身、矮於視平線的陳列桌,視覺空間明顯擴濶和通透了不少。亮點之一當然是兩邊入口的「即日 TO-DAY 放映」展示窗,復刻舊時戲院張貼劇照的味道,以配合為期五年的盛大展覽「武人生-李小龍」。


電話: (852) 2699 3098

營業時間: 上午10時至下午6時(逢星期二休息星期六、日及公眾假期: 上午10時至下午7時


HK Heritage Musuem Shop - Sole Cultural Goods

The Hong Kong Heritage Museum is located along the picturesque Shing Mun River. Our museum shop is to the right of the entrance on the ground floor, demonstrating a welcoming atmosphere with its simple, bright and spacious interior. It is enriched with the finest selections of books, CD, DVD, art replicas, accessories with focus on local heritage, Chinese & western art and culture. The shop is always highlighted with the thematic souvenirs related to the exhibitions. In July 2013, our shop presents a brand new look after renovation with light white and sunflower yellow as hue. The cinema-lobby-like display windows at both sides of the entrances recall the collective memories of the 70s, in support of the major exhibition on Bruce Lee for the next five years.



G/F, 1 Man Lam Road, Shatin, N T

Tel: (852) 2699 3098

Opening hours: 10 am – 6 pm (Closed on Tuesdays)

Sat, Sun & Public Holidays: 10 am – 7 pm